Friday, March 16, 2012

Months Already!?

Has it truly been months since my last post? Good grief! I wish I could say all has been fine and dandy, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

I'll start with the not so great and get it out of the way. The middle of February we received the unfortunate news my Uncle Randy passed away unexpectedly. He was flown to the hospital in Pittsburgh in the middle of the night suffering from kidney and liver failure. Early in the morning Randy went into septic shock, followed shortly by internal bleeding. There was nothing the doctors could do. It was and continues to be heart breaking to our family. It's hard to accept something like that because of it's abrupt nature. Randy was only 46! At the same time my Ma (Dad and Randy's mom) is suffering from an incredibly aggressive form of dementia. She's been going steadily downhill, but the 2 weeks preceding Randy's death were especially hard. When my aunt told her Randy had died, she didn't understand what was going on, and the funeral was more of the same. My Pa has been doing his best to take care of her, but he has health problems himself and can't keep up with Ma all the time. And now the stress of caring for an ailing wife is taking it's toll on him.

Well, now that we've got the downer side of things over with, we can move onto (hopefully) happier topics.

Our days are filled with Wyatt and all his accomplishments. It's incredible how much they change week to week! His personality just continues shining through with every new trick he learns. He LOVES eating solid food that mommy and daddy are eating. Yesterday he tried scrambled eggs for the first time and wouldn't stop eating them! Last week he taught himself how to get into a sitting position from his belly. We kept going into his room after his naps to find him sitting up, looking at us over the crib. And every time he had the proudest expression all over his face! And then today, it finally, FINALLY happened....he CRAWLED!!!! I haven't been so excited since he rolled over. I even managed to get it on video! (Who would have thought that little Kodak camera would be so damn handy??)  I wish I could mention everything he's done in the last little bit, but the truth is I can't remember the last time I posted, and there's been so much going on it's hard to remember!  I'll just finish up with some pictures and videos of the little dude since I know that's what you all are waiting for :)

His zombie baby look

Always having fun in the tub!!

He figured out the dogs will eat anything he drops and thinks it's HILARIOUS!

Cheeto's Pope

One of many Faces of Wyatt

Surprise! I can sit up now!

"Oh, hi mom. This? It just fell into my hands. I swear!"

Charly and Wyatt 'playing'

One of many attempts to get a mommy/son shot.

Mirror Fun

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