Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's About Time...

Ok, I admit it, I am horrible at keeping this blog up to date. I wish our lives were more exciting, but alas, we tend to do the same things most days. I will however, attempt to make our humdrum lives semi-entertaining for your reading pleasure.

Our little Wyatt is quickly turning into quite the young man!! He is now 7 months old, (closing in on 8 months) and is such a happy, entertaining, hilarious kid. At 5 months old, he FINALLY rolled over on his own. Once that happened Wyatt had the "I can do anything" attitude. A few weeks later he started sitting up on his own, and now he's taken to conquering standing on his own!  We keep telling him he needs to crawl, and despite the fact that he has energizer bunny legs (seriously, they NEVER stop moving), he doesn't believe us that crawling is the solution to all his problems. We've discovered that he's a little chatter box as well. He started saying "ba-ba" when he was 5 or 6 months old, and he's progressed to pa-pa, ya-ya, and just this morning he threw in a ma-ma!! It's not just the talking that's got us cracking up, it's how he says things. He'll scream "BA!" at the top of his lungs, then immediately afterwards he'll whisper "pa-pa" under his breath. He also does this thing where he'll stiffen his entire body (from head to toes) and grunt and it just cracks me up! We can already tell he's going to be a class clown...which is entirely fine as long as he gets good grades. :) When he was 2 months old, Wyatt had a pretty noticeable flat spot on his head. The pediatrician send us to see a specialist, and Wyatt was 'sentenced' to 3 months of wearing a helmet. At first, it was a bit awkward trying to get the helmet on and off, but we all got used to it quickly. The specialist is out of Salt Lake, and only comes to town every 3 months or so, and our second appointment was about 2 1/2 months after we got the helmet. We were told to expect to keep the helmet on for another few weeks, but we lucked out and Wyatt wears the helmet no more!!  Enjoy the brief photo montage of our man!

Anthony has managed to find a new job, hooray!!! He starts at Centurylink at the beginning of February, and he's so excited! The job pays great and has amazing benefits that are available to our entire family. This is a job unlike anything he's done before, so we're both anxious to see how things work out.

As for me, I've been busy being a stay at home mom, taking pictures, building websites, and doing lots of other side jobs to help bring some money in. Over Christmas my friend and I baked Pistachio bread for people to give as gifts, and it was CRAZY!!! We sold about 100 loaves in a little over 2 weeks. Our kitchen was converted into a bakery for pretty much the whole time, and trying to wrangle Wyatt, the dogs, baking bread, and keeping up on the housework was incredibly difficult. We'll see if I make it again or not... I under went surgery 2 weeks ago to fix a few things from having Wyatt, and I'm just about back to normal.

Other than that, things are pretty average for us!

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