Monday, March 26, 2012


I've come to the realization that not all the memories of Wyatt's younger years will stay with me, so I thought it would be a good memory spark to have them recorded on here. Plus, I'm sure some of you would like to know this stuff too :)

*First rolled over at 5 months.
*Started whistling (and yes, actually whistling) around 6 months, just after he learned how to blow raspberries.
*Thanksgiving morning 2011, Wyatt decides he'll start sitting up.
*Around the time he started blowing raspberries and whistling, he also started making Chewbacca noises.
*February 11, 2012 - First time playing in the snow!
*February 11, 2012 - First time sledding!
*February 11, 2012 - First time snowmobiling!
*At the beginning of March, we started finding Wyatt sitting up in his crib. A few days later he amazed me by sitting himself up from his belly while playing in the living room.
*October 1, 2011, we try to take Wyatt's hand print for the first time, only to fail epically.  Pretty sure I still see a black spot on his tongue from time to time.
*Middle of February, Wyatt starts shaking his head and thinks it's HILARIOUS!
*March 16, 2012 - Wyatt crawls for the very first time!
*At 9 months, Wyatt is a little chatter box. His vocabulary consists of ga, da, pa, ya, ca, ba, and any combination he can think of. He also quite enjoys the occasional uuuuuuuuggggg!, arg!, oh!, and aaaaaaa!
*We have been going to Mandi for OT since Wyatt was 2 months old. She has watched him progress from a baby who couldn't lift his flat spotted head to a cruising babe who puts everything in his mouth and tries to pull himself up on everything, and she is every bit as protective, proud, and entertained as we are.
*From 2 months on, I Could Have Danced All Night from My Fair Lady has been his favorite song. As soon as I start singing it, he stops fussing and immediately starts smiling. He also really likes the Beach Boys. :)
*Our boy has had the most animated facial expressions of any baby we've ever seen.
*He has been a terrific night sleeper from the get go, sleeping anywhere from 12-15 hours a night.

I hope to keep adding to this post as I remember more!

Helping Daddy baby-proof the house

The 'Oh" face he's so fond of

Came out of the bathroom to find him like this

Doggie sandwich!!!

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