Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Day of Firsts

As many of you know, our life has been a whirlwind for the last few months. And by whirlwind, I mean "Hey Ma! Board up those windows real quick and take your knittin' into the cellar. There's a tornado right thar!". However, despite the mass confusion swirling about our lives, I try to take the time to enjoy the little day to day things. Today was one of those days that I was truly able to enjoy every little joyous happening.

The joyousness started early in the morning, with Wyatt's daily dance routine whilst chowing on his breakfast of strawberries, bread, and watermelon. This puts a smile on my face every morning, and really, what better way to start your day than to watch the most adorable child EVER dancing his little heart out.

The day progressed and Wyatt and I found ourselves at therapy where we have been attempting the impossible...getting Wyatt to walk unassisted. That boy is such a little bugger! He will walk endlessly when holding onto your hands, or if you are holding onto his clothing. But let go for a nanosecond, and down goes the boy! Well our therapist Mandi is such a trooper! She refused to give in to Wyatt's 'demands', and continually changed strategies in order to get our stubborn one to walk on his own. Success!! For about 4 steps. And it only took a toy, 4 different foods, a phone, a bottle, mommy, and another child. We can do that every time we want him to walk, right?? Regardless, it was thrilling and breath taking to watch Wyatt take those 4 steps completely on his own!

Fast forward a few hours and we find ourselves in Toys R Us searching for strollers. By now I'm sure most of you are familiar with the Ugly Dolls. No? They're plush toys that are, for lack of better term, ugly....but in a cute way. While browsing the store, upon an Ugly Doll display we came, and Wyatt reach for one of the Uglies. I figured, what's the harm?, and let Wyatt tote the doll around the store. We returned to the display in order to exit the store, and out of amusement, I pulled a large, bright orange doll from the display. Wyatt's eyes lit up, his arms went wild, and he immediately squealed, "Pwee!! Pwee!! Pwee!!" What?? I had just found something Wyatt wanted so badly that he actually said "Please" for the first time!! I'd recently started teaching him to say please when he wanted something, but the venture had been a failure.....until today!! The squeal didn't stop there. The doll had to be passed to the register for check out, and as soon as the soft fabric left Wyatt's grasp the chant began. Pwee! Pwee! Pwee!! Pwee! Until the precious object was returned to the safety of his arms...and he held on until we were safely inside our home. This was by far my favorite part of the day. It is incredible that something as simple as Pwee and the elation on Wyatt's face at finding a toy can just plaster a grin on my face.

Perhaps its all the chaos of the last few months that's making me enjoy the tiniest moments of the day so much. Here are just a few of my elations of late:
*Wyatt's new dance move (waving one arm across his body)
*The new words Wyatt is constantly trying to say. Some of them are;
*How ecstatic Wyatt gets playing Peekaboo/Hide and Seek.
*The fact that Wyatt goes around growling and 'quacking' every moment he's awake.
*When Wyatt "hulks out".
*The quizzical look on Wyatt's face when he is trying to figure something out.

There really is no way for me to express my emotions or Wyatt's actions in words, and I am trying to record as much as possible so that I can share it with all of you. :)

Bubble Fun

Speed Demon

Champion Cuddler

What mess??

Colored Whipped Cream Playtime

Hello world!


Kayla said...

Oh my gosh! I just loved that video of him walking! He's getting so big!!! What a little cutie face! (You too) ha! Love you!

Kayla said...

Oh my gosh liv! I loved the video of him walking! He is getting SO big! How fun! :)