Wednesday, June 1, 2011

He's Here!

Our little boy is officially here! My water broke at 9:20 Saturday night, and things went very smoothly. After panicking just a bit because I couldn't reach my doctor or Anthony, it was into the tub for me. Anthony was out paintballing at the time, and didn't have his phone on him. He called a little while later and asked if "everything was copasetic", so of course my response was "not so much, my water broke". He freaked out a little bit and rushed home. It took us a little while to round up a few loose ends and drop the dogs off at Anthony's parents house, but we got to the hospital about an hour later...just in time for contractions to start. 

I was in labor for about 10 hours, pushed for about an hour total, and our little man was born at 7:19 a.m. on Sunday, May 29. He was 6 lbs 5 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. It took us a couple days, but we finally landed on the name Wyatt David Lemons. I'll be sure to post more pictures once we get more.

1 comment:

Ba and Scott said...

Oh Wyatt is so cute! And I love that name! Congrats!