Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Quick Word

Despite what everyone has told me, I am taking some time while Wyatt is asleep to give everyone a quick update on our life now before I nod off myself.

Everyone keeps saying what an adjustment parenthood is, but so far we've found it to be fairly easy. Perhaps that's because Wyatt is such an awesome kiddo. Up until the last 2 days, he's been a champion sleeper. He had a couple of nights where he refused to sleep unless either Anthony or I were holding him, so I ended up sleeping in the Lazy Boy in his room (not the most comfortable bed ever), but he's started sleeping through most of the night now. He wakes up a couple times to eat & let us know he needs changed, but then he's back out like a light.

And he's a joy when he's awake! He loves to look around with his wide, bright eyes and take in everything he can. If he fusses, it's usually just for a second until we pick him up and then it's right back to being content with life. He loves having his toes and feet played with as well as when Anthony bounces around 'singing' to him.

Everyone was worried about how our animals would adjust to Wyatt (we never were), and they just love him...especially the dogs. When he cries at night Lucie actually beats me to the nursery door and stays in the room as long as I'm in there. Usually I have to practically drag her out of the room! That's no surprise though. Lucie's loved kids since she was a wee pup and we knew she'd be wanting to sleep in his room; we were actually debating on how long it would take. Regan has taken to him just as well. We actually have a hard time keeping Regan from giving Wyatt endless kisses whenever he's within her reach. Lucie is the same way, but she listens a bit better when we tell her to stop :) And Wyatt eats up the doggie love too. Not once has he cried or anything when the dogs flock to him. 

I'm afraid I haven't had time to load any of the pictures I've, taken onto my computer, but I'll post them as soon as I do.

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