Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Maternity Pictures

A couple weeks ago Anthony & I had our maternity pictures done by my photographic hero, Sara Renee Murray. My original plan was to fly to Tennessee, visit the fam, and do the pictures with Sara at the same time. After much research & deliberation, I figured out that traveling by myself while 8 months preggo probably was the best idea. So Sara being the wonder she is, flew out here to do the pictures & a shadowing/mentoring session with me (she & I did a portrait session with her explaining certain photographic aspects & then we edited some of the pictures together with her teaching me the tricks of the trade). We had such a good time while she was here! Anthony & I both felt like we had known Sara for years, rather than having just met her, and now consider her to be a good friend. Anywho, here are some of the amazing pictures she took! And for those of you wondering, I was 31 weeks when these were taken. It's hard to tell, but I've grown quite a bit since the last picture I posted!

Oh yes, and I would be remiss in neglecting to mention her website so you can all see her amazing work!


Ba and Scott said...

You guys are so cute!

Jake and Jana said...

Awesome maternity pictures! And, I love the black and white one with you and Tony a lot!