Monday, October 25, 2010

Exciting Times

Seeing as I'm home today, I thought I'd take some time and update our little blog here. Life has begun moving at a tremendous pace and we've both found ourselves struggling to keep up.

Of course our biggest news is that we're having a baby! And the way we found out is possibly the best pregnancy story we could have ever come up with. At the end of September, the cyst I managed to grown in June became extremely painful. I had been seeing an OBGYN in town for a few months about it, and the pain finally became so great she couldn't ignore it any longer. So I went in for surgery, completely prepared to be done with all the cyst & abscess problems I'd been having for the last year. After being admitted, I was in the prep room with my mom when my doctor came in. She asked my mom to leave for a minute, which I was expecting, and then told me my urine test had come back positive, which I was definitely wasn't expecting! I had just taken a pregnancy test & it had been negative. Even after seeing my lab results, I was absolutely convinced someone had mixed up the urine samples, or results. I mean, it happens all the time, right? I was sent home, cyst fully intact, and a head full of questions. As soon as I got home, it was into the bathroom for me with another pregnancy test. Three minutes later, low and behold...

the hospital was right! I told myself I could wait a couple hours to tell Anthony in person. 5 minutes later I was on the phone, hoping he would actually answer. When I told him, his first reaction was, "How??" And then it was, "You're making me tear up at work". The next day I had my first ultrasound to verify the results, and although it was early, there was a definite baby growing! Last week we had another ultrasound to get a better estimate of how far along I am, and we got to see baby's heartbeat! The doctor put me at 6 1/2 weeks (7 1/2 now), and said I'm due June 9. We're both so incredibly excited! We've got so much to get ready, just like any first time parents, but it's all so exciting to us!

Our other big news is that we became first time homeowners at the end of August! With such incredible interest rates, we figured it was the best time for us to buy a house. After looking around at stuff in our price range, we figured we'd be best off buying the house we've been renting...and then we didn't even have to move! So at the end of August, we all signed papers and Bang! we were responsible for a mortgage instead of rent! It's still kind of hard for us to comprehend...the fact that we own the home instead of just living in it. But we feel so grown up now, buying a house, starting a family...and it all happening at once as well.

Other than that, things are pretty much the same. Anthony's still working at Lemons House Moving, and I'm still at ReMax. Fortunately, work for Anthony has picked up in the last few we just have to hope it stays that way. He also applied for a mechanic's job at a nearby shop, and we're really hoping he gets that as well. It would be so nice to know his work schedule in advance!

I'm going to do my best to keep this updated with baby stuff for all you who are dying to know (I know there are a whole 5 of you ;)  so keep checking back!

1 comment:

Jake and Jana said...

Yay! We are SO excited for you guys to become parents! Can't wait to see what he/she looks like! :) We love that little baby already!