Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Disney World Adventures

Last year Mom turned to Anthony and me and said, "Would you guys rather go to Costa Rica, or Disney World?" so last February, it was off to Costa Rica for 10 days of adventure in the "wild". Mom's compromise was to hit up Disney World THIS February.

So on February 3rd, we arrived in Orlando to explore the "wilds" of Disney mania.

Our airport experience was definitely interesting. Our instructions were to go to the B-side of the terminal and find the Disney transport center. Once we figured out the terminal in question wasn't the area we were currently in (which wasn't what our Disney map told us), it was onto the train and into the main terminal. We were good little sheep and followed the crowds (baahing the whole way) all the way down to the parking garage. Hm. No Disney inside, no buses outside. Back into the airport, up a floor and back outside. Buses! Hooray! Standing in line for one of the many MANY Disney buses lined up, the driver tells us we have to go back inside to check in with Disney. Back inside we trudge. All six of us. Dragging our luggage. And feet. Finally, the Disney resort check-in is discovered! (Is that a Mickey glove on that guy's hand? He must use it to lure all the innocent children over..) We follow the perceived "lines" towards the awaiting buses..only to hit a dead end before we reach the magical doors leading outside. The *ahem* "friendly" Disney workers shove us back behind the ropes, order us to wait, and refuse to answer any questions we may have. We finally make it onto the bus, and it's onto the "Magical World of Disney".

Now, for those of you who have never had the pleasure of navigating through a Disney park, let me clarify. Wilds is NOT an understatem
ent. People are EVERYWHERE. Children running away from their parents, parents screaming at their children to "get back here or we're not going to see Mickey!" while dragging a stroller and their other child behind them to fetch the run-away, people posing in the middle of the street (or sidewalk) for a nice Kodak moment, and tourists. Lots and lots of tourists. You can usually spot them from a mile away. Their the ones who are roaming around the park decked out in Disney from head to toe. We even saw one guy (had to have been at least 50) walking around in a LEATHER Disney jacket.

Despite all the mayhem, we had a really good time. We stayed at the Disney Polynesian Resort, and had easy access to all th
e Kingdoms while we were there. Not to mention food. Lots and lots of food! Checking into the hotel was torture. Dinner was served right above our heads, and the luscious smell of cooked pork wafted into our nostrils.

We headed right into the Magic Kingdom once we were settled (after stuffing ourselves with pork of course!).

And now for the pictures!

Our arrival at the Magic Kingdom

Mom actually went on all the rides this year!

We tried soda from countries around the world. China and Mozembique were the best.

Mom and Dad starring in their own video game.

Eating dinner in Japan just before Cirque du Soleil.
The boys spent an afternoon driving race cars.Our last day there we headed to Blizzard Beach.

We saw Giraffes while on safari in the Animal Kingdom.

The incredible wall of swords.

Had fun playing with Segways in Epcot.

Froze while waiting for the Tower of Terror (which Mom went on).
Look at the size of those Koi fish!

Me and the old man in Italy.

Mom and Dad in Epcot.

Brady's pretty good at amusing himself.

Just doing my thing.

Waiting in line for the much dreaded Expedition Everest.

Checking out the Zebras before dinner at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Wandering through the streets of New York. Or was that San Francisco?


Ba and Scott said...

How fun! That is awesome! Costa Rica and then Disney World! Where do I sign?
How is the new school and new state? You surviving ok?

Liv and Tony said...

We actually haven't moved yet, that won't come till late August, but we're really excited about it!