Wednesday, December 12, 2012

And Now For December

Hm. Well I guess that whole weekly update thing hasn't quite panned out. I figured I should make at least one update before Christmas comes!

Oh Wyatt. That child. I truly believe there are no sequence of words to fully describe our little Bubs. He is comical beyond reckoning. He is intensely sweet. He is a grooving machine. And he never. stops. talking. Which I actually love. His list of words has grown tremendously and now includes:
* hi baby (aka mom)
*shoes (oos)
*socks (oos)
*stairs (both up and down)
*push (puth)
*snacks (acks)
*cheese (ees)
*drink (key)
*blankey (key)
*binkey (key)
*penguin (peggy)
*lights (ights)
*juice (oos)
*nose (ohs)
*Elmo (bobo)
*Santa (dada)
*vacuum (dacuum)
*thank you
*diaper (piper)
*food (nanananana)
*apple (paple)

And he knows a ton of animal noises. I try to get as many of them on video as possible, but since he's so stinking smart he already knows what's happening whenever I pick up my phone or pull out the video camera. And instantly stops what he's doing to come help me record. He knows doggy, ducky, horsey, elephant, bear, lion, tiger, cow, snake, fishy, birdie (quack), froggy (bi bi bi), dolphin, seal.

His little personality (or should I say ridiculously big personality) is shining too. He says 'hi' in his little voice to EVERYONE. Seriously. We go to the mall in the mornings and he has to walk the opposite way of all the mall walkers so that he can stop every person and say, "Hi!". If they don't respond, he chases them down until they say hi back. And what a flirt!! He's starting giving kisses (one of my definite favorites), and is definitely generous with his love. If you say bye bye to him, he'll lean in with a "mmmmm" to give you a big old toothy kiss. He tells himself jokes....then laughs. He asks for Elmo most mornings, and when he wants to listen to the Rubber Ducky song by Ernie he "hehehehe"s in his best Ernie impression.