Tuesday, September 4, 2012

In just a week....

Everybody always talks about how fast kids grow up. Now, I experienced this while nannying in college, but it is completely different being on the 'actual' parent side of things! It blows my mind how much Wyatt did/learned in just a week!

In one week, Wyatt...
*learned how to clap to music.
*started a new dance move.
*said his first word (puppy) (actually, he's been saying this one for a while, but he really perfected it last week)
*said his second word (nana aka banana aka food)
*said his third word (ducky)
*went down a full slide by himself
*started walking off items (i.e. the coffee table, toy box, etc)
*started to help put his shoes on, close the lid on drinks, use the vacuum
*learned how to drink out of a straw
*decided he's a big boy now and wants to drink out of adult cups
*started trying to say 'park' (ack)
*has begun to read his books aloud (non-sensical style of course!)
*had broccoli for the first time (and LOVED it)
*tried to take his first nose dive off the back of the living room chair

Sure, these are all little things, but they are so BIG to us! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time we were at Applebee's last night because Wyatt was dancing to the barely audible music the WHOLE TIME.

We keep waiting (and WAITING) for Wyatt to finally walk! I swear, we're the only parents in history who are rooting for our kid to start running as soon as possible :) He is getting so incredibly close too! Saturday he just up and decided to take a couple steps towards me from the box he was standing next to. Today he thought the 'walk to mommy' game was the best thing ever, and was so exciting for me!!

The other fun part of our weekend was taking Wyatt to the fair for the first time. He had the best time riding around in his wagon, eating fair food, seeing sharks, petting the animals, and walking around with dad and the grandparents. Oh, and did I mention I entered a few pictures in the photography exhibit? And some of them won? I'm really excited about that especially because this is my first year entering!

Third Place

Honorable Mention