Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Big O.N.E.!!!

It's finally here! Wyatt is officially ONE YEAR OLD!!! What???!?? Was it really one year ago today I was lying in a hospital bed, numb from the waist down, seeing my little man for the very first time? We had Wyatt's party on Saturday so people could be there for our little man. It turned out to be pretty much a family affair...grandparents, Uncle Jared, Grandma Jerri, both god parents (Auntie Marie and Uncle Shane), but it was really nice! We set up a ball pit in the middle of the living room for Wyatt to play in, and he had the best time between that, being the center of attention, and opening presents! Oh yes, and cake. :)

These are some of the pictures taken by Linda (Anthony's mom). I'll get mine up once I'm able to sit again!

Lovin' life in the ball pit

Playing Peekaboo

His favorite face to make

Thanks for the awesome trike mom and dad!!

Ball Blowing Elephant from Ma and Pa

Hanging out with Uncle Jared and Saunie

mmmmmmm!!! Cake!
Sharing cake with everyone

Friday, May 4, 2012

The 11th Month

It's coming up fast....the big ONE! Wyatt is now 11 months old and the time before his first birthday is quickly sliding away. He has always taken his changes in leaps and bounds, and now is no different! Last week he went from pulling himself to his knees to pulling himself into a stand. We are so excited about this change, but it now it's incredibly difficult to keep things out of his grasp :)  Then earlier this week he started walking along the coffee table and couches, which means practically nothing is safe! Haha! He'll hold onto our hands and RUN to where ever he wants to be. It's absolutely adorable. And the whole time he'll pant "he he he he"...kind of like a woman in labor. At therapy Wednesday he climbed a WHOLE flight of stairs on his own (which we've been working towards since before he could crawl), and his latest accomplishment came yesterday when he started clapping! It came completely out of the blue too! It's so exciting to me to see all these milestones finally happen because we've been waiting and waiting for them.

And when it comes to food, it's more of the same. Wyatt's decided that he just really doesn't care for baby food anymore, and will only eat finger food of some sort. I've started buying the toddler graduates food since he absolutely prefers them. And boy can that boy eat!! I thought he was a piggo before when he would down double the amount of milk the pediatrician said he could physically handle. Now he'll eat nearly as much as I do! Anthony has to make an ENORMOUS batch of scrambled eggs in the morning to feed both he and Wyatt. The funniest part is that Wyatt is still a skinny bub! He's a little chunk on him (enough to cuddle), but for how much he eats, you'd expect him to be at least twice his size! A friend of mine had a baby four days before I had Wyatt, and they met not long ago. Her boy is already in 18 month clothes!! Meanwhile, Wyatt is barely in 9 month. I still think our guy is pretty damn perfect though :)

Yogurt Fun

Ballpit Fun!

Let me out!!

Stole some of Mom's Strawberries

Helping Daddy Run a Bath

Strong Like Grammy!

First Ride in the New Wagon

Can't Wait to Get in the Tub