Monday, October 13, 2008

A Week in Denver

It's been over a year since Anthony and I had the fortune to take a trip just the two of us, so when my best friend Jordan invited us to Denver we jumped at the opportunity. Normally we're only able to visit for about three days (one day to drive, one day to play, one day to drive back), so this time I forced Anthony to take time off so we could go for a week. How else were we going to see New Found Glory and International Superheroes of Hardcore play twice?

Poor Jordan had school and work the whole time we were there, so most afternoons we were on our own. The first day we were lumps...and I loved every min
ute of it. I haven't been able to just sit and stare at walls in FOREVER. In the rest of our downtime we spent a great deal of time at the malls, eating loads of food, going to amazing shows, having actual dates....basically enjoying our lives. One thing we got to do that we've never done before is visit the Denver Aquarium. Jordan is always raving about the place, it's right up my alley and Anthony's never been to one before, so spending an afternoon there was a no-brainer.

We also went to Estes Park one day to visit the Stanley Hotel. (For those of you who are out of the loop, it's one of the most haunted spots in America..also where "The Shining" was filmed & the inspiration for Steven King's novel.) Anthony and I have been wanting to go to this hotel for YEARS, and it was definitely the highlight of our trip. On the way there, Jordan warned us that it was a private hotel & that we may have to sneak onto the grounds in order to see anything. Karma was smiling upon us however, and the hotel was having two weddings and an open house so there was no security what-so-ever and we were able to explore the inside of the hotel. The hotel itself is absolutely breath taking, but every so often the hairs on your neck will stand straight up & you feel as if you are intruding. It was the most bizzare feeling. The next time we visit will be to stay the night inside the hotel.

Sun Valley

At the end of August (whichever holiday that may be) Anthony and I joined my family, Jerri and the Jones for the annual car auction in Sun Valley. Most years Garth and Nancy manage to come back with at least one car, and the last few years dad has come home with Corvettes. Anthony and I needed a break from small town life and figured it was a win win situation. So everyone piled into the trailer-pulling 'Burban and bounded off to a weekend full of exhaust and classic cars.

Turns out it was a good weekend to go.

Garth and Nancy did in fact buy a car...a 1958 Chevy Impala (the boat if you will), Anthony and I found o
ur dream car (Audi Quattro wagon) and best of all, we "bumped" into Bruce Willis. As fate would have it, old Brucy bought the 'Vette both dad and Garth had their hearts set on. But when a movie star walks up to a car, looks for a second then says to the auctioneer "I'll take it", there's no competing with that. Despite Nancy's best efforts, Bruce would not trade the Corvette for the Impala. So late Sunday afternoon the gang gathered our things, squished into the boat for the ride to the parking lot...and scratched our heads as to how this monster of a car was going to fit into the car trailer.

Oh yes..did I mention a VW Thing is my ultimate dream car?? (Yes Pa, it's so ugly it's cute.)